Konversi & Imputasi Susenas By

by Pengelolaan Teknologi Informasi, BPS RI



This Susenas conversion was made considering that sometimes when in the field it was found that respondents did not know the exact number or even forgot how many commodities were consumed during the past week, but the respondents only knew the total price. In addition, sometimes the respondent claims that the commodity he consumes is a gift or is assistance from the government but cannot be estimated. Here the susenas conversion application has a role in determining the estimated number of commodities consumed by the respondent.This application uses the excel database (xls) so that all Regency / City BPS in Indonesia can adjust its database and can be used in their area. There are xls templates that have been provided in the application as a guide for formulating price conversions and item imputations. Of course, this formula will only be provided by the Head of Social Statistics or other authorized officials.Its use is quite easy, just PCL and PML just download the application then the Social Statistics Head will give the excel file to then import the data into the application by each officer in his smartphone.It is expected to watch this 5-minute video tutorial first on my YouTube http://s.bps.go.id/tutorialkonversisusenas to understand how to use it and if an error / bug is found on your smartphone, please report it to me via comments on the Play Store, YouTube, or even email at [email protected] so that in the future this application can be even better.Best Regards,Aditya Sudyana,Staff of the Social Statistics Section of Tolitoli Regency BPS